I.I.S. Fermi Filangieri. sez Tallini - Formia. Italy

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The "I.I.S. FERMI FILANGIERI  is a high school located in Formia, a nice town far about 155 kilometers from Rome and 100 km. from Naples. 

Formia is a popular place for tourists who came here attracted not only by the sea, but also by the different monumental areas here placed. 

Our school is currently composed of three different specializations: two technical, and a professional one.

The "'Technical Institute FILANGIERI " is the headquarter.  It is a commerce high school, one of the most ancient high school of the district of Latina, and it is located in the center of Formia.

Our Institute, the Bruno Tallini, is the second technical school, located in a suburb of Formia. In our school we have three differnt specializations:  Surveyor, Chemistry and Graphics

The project is led the Tallini  technical school located in a new building constructed ten years ago. In our school there are 70 teachers and 320 students from 14 to 19 years old.

Our students study English for five years, so this project will help them improving it, by meeting other people of other different countries with different traditions.

The technical  Institute  for Constructions, Environment and Territory ( ex school for surveyors) with a geotechnic  branch  is the only High School with this course of study in the area of South Pontine. The offered formation is usable in different  working fields which require a high technological and scientific level which is more and more in demand in the labor market .

Our school is equipped with all the structures and outfits provided for the regulations concerning  high school technical formation and instruction:

  • 20 ordinary classrooms  16 of which fitted with L.I.M boards

  • 7 special classrooms

  •  Physics, Chemistry and Sciences laboratories

  • 1 laboratory for building materials testing

  • 1 laboratory for special needs students

  • A 1000sm  gym built in lamellar wood which represents  the most important indoor sport structure in  Formia municipal district

  • Some outdoor areas  equipped  for sport activities

  • A 1500 sm external area with about 100 olive trees and 30 fruit trees which at the moment is used for surveying  trainings

Beyond the normal multimedia lessons in the classrooms with the help of LIM boards, teachers can use a wide range of supports : informatics, technical drawing, surveying and CAD laboratories provided with interactive boards, video-projectors and networking computers, a library and a multimedia room with almost 150 seats.

Our school is equipped with a GPS station for the satellite surveying of the territory and is part of the National Net. Moreover it is provided with  classical topographical instruments as 4 total stations which students use in their weekly trainings and surveying.

In the course of the years our school has been involved in the following activities:

Naturalistic Engineering internships

Thanks to a long term project financed by Regione Lazio, the students of our school have been carrying  out some theoretical and practical activities to plan and build land hydrogeological consolidation and safety works using naturalistic techniques. Beyond their teachers , students have co-operated with experts coming from L’Aquila University, Regione Lazio and the Regional Parks of our territory. At the end of every internship students get  an official certificate which is valuable for their personal curriculum.


Internship about the alternation school-job

Our school gives an extreme importance to the experiences of integration school-job inside the guidelines of its educational offer. As a consequence every year our Institute organizes internships  in collaboration with firms, professional offices and Public Authorities of our area. These internships represent a useful experience in the working world. During this period our students have the opportunity to compare their idea of the profession with the concrete practice so as they learn to choose among the different opportunities offered by our region.

ECDL and ECDL-CAD Certifications

Our institute was one of the first in Lazio region and for a long time even the only one in Latina and Frosinone Provinces to be  recognized as TEST CENTER SPECIALIZED in ECDL CAD which is the new international certification for Cad ( computer aided design) operators issued by A.I.C.A.  As a matter of facts the ECDL-CAD certification represents a qualification which attests the holding of competences checked at European level. Moreover they are also valuable for the university credit system.

Comenius and Erasmus European projects

Our institute organizes and is promoter of abroad internships which were part of  the Comenius partnership programs and now of the Erasmus+ programs financed by the European  Community. In the past years we completed the following projects:

  • 2011 - 13 a multilateral Comenius partnership called “ History tells us our story” in collaboration with a Greek, a Polish and a Spanish school.  

  • 2012 - 14 a multilateral Comenius partnership called “ Land surveying in European context” in collaboration with two Finnish and a Slovenian schools.  

  • 2014 - 16 our institute completed an Erasmus kA2 project. The title of this new project was “ Bridges" in which our institute was the coordinator school and collaborated with other four schools : a French, a Romanian, a Turkish and a Greek school. This project was selected by the Italian national Agency as one of Best Practice Projects of the year 2016.  

  • 2016 - 18 an  Erasmus Projects  K101 action  entitled "ECOMED". The topic was the Bio engineering in the mediterranean sites, and were involved some European universities from Portugal (Evora), Spain (Madrid), England (Glasgow), Katerini (Greece) and Istambul (Turkie) , and some important european building companies. The project started in the december 2016 and is ending in december 2018.

  • 2016 - 18 an  Erasmus Projects  K209  action named "Mygrant", which ended  the last July 2018, in which were involved schools from France, Poland, Turkey and Norway. The project ended the august 2018.

  • Nowadays our institute is coordinator in a project entitled "Bridge for a Brighter Future", which started in September 1018  and in which are involved a Norvegian, a Turkish, a German and a Portuguese school.

Thus our students are periodically engaged in internships with the partner countries. So they have the opportunity to compare their technical and linguistic competences with their foreign peers. The italian coordinator of the project will be Antonio Carollo, a teacher who from the 2010 is involved in this kind of projects. Other English teachers with a large experience of European projects (they are nowadays involved with Carollo in running Erasmus projects) are involved in the planning of this project. In case it is necessary, one of these teachers will take over very easily the role of coordinator of the project. The teachers involved in

the project will be more or less the same, and they are very expertised in this kind of projects.

Institute Projects and Studies

“The memory of our territory” is one of the most important projects of our institute. In this project our students stake their technical and computer skills  supported not only by their  teachers but also by experts of the Cultural and Archaeological Heritage Office and exponents of the staff of the involved municipalities.  Through their job they contributed to enhance the Environment of our region.

Thanks to the precision of the survey and accurate tridimensional-graphic renderings the project was appreciated and rewarded both at local and national level as shown by the prizes we received:

1° National Prize at the “Archeofestival” in Perugia in 2006.

1° Prize at the competition “ Scuola e società” organized by Lazio Confederation of Italian Industry in 2007.

The Cad reconstructions and the historical surveys of the monuments of the archaeological area of Minturnae and the coast towers are actually visible on panels exposed on the websites and also in 5 booklets published in typographical print.

1° prize at the competition “ La Formia che vorrei” organized by Formia municipality in which we developed a project of town improvement in the area of Caposele harbor in Formia in 2013-2014.

1° prize at the National competition “ ABC Arte, Bellezza e Cultura “ in 2013-2014 in which we were awarded by The President of the Italian Republic.

Special mention at the competition “IV International Festival  of the Scientific Documentary of the Universities and the Research Organization – Scientific Documentary” in 2014-2015.


In next PDF you can see some pictures of the school, our projects and also our study plan.